My Story continued...

My varied career and passions to date have always focused on communication be it written, visual, verbal and digital. I’ve set up and led a few networking groups including a WiRE Network and I thrive when surrounded by like-minded, passionate people who inspire me and embrace growth be it professional, personal or spiritual.
I am an experienced Business Development Manager and have worked in the field of business development, marketing and project management for a number of years. I was employed as a Digital Mentor at the Growth Hub – Shropshire where I offered social media training to businesses and created my Empower Hours. This has actively played a role in my interest in helping others remove blocks and lead a life they dream of. I feel like I am being driven to use my experiences to help and inspire others.
Some of my poetry is autobiographical and some inspired by emotive stories I have heard. You can read a range of it for free in my Poetry Corner and you can find more in my E-motive Poetry book on Amazon. I hope you enjoy it and I will leave you with one of my favourites:
“The Sunflower!”.

The Sunflower
I’ve been growing a sunflower
for a month and a day
it’s given me power
and helped me to stay
on the long, straight stem
to a life that I need;
when things get too much
I pretend I’m its seed.
As it moves to the sun
to reach the light,
I look to the future
with sheer delight.
One day it will blossom
and hold its head high
and shout,
“Hey, look at me,
I’m the sun’s richest eye!”
by Nikki Ayton
Would you like to find out more about my:
Spiral Stones
Reiki Infused Products
Reiki Distance Healing
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